Pastoral Searches
Succession Planning
Planned Successions

Workshops and Seminars

Workshops and seminars are fast-paced, interactive, and engaging with lots of laughter, stories, and discussion.  We have trained more than 20,000 pastors and church leaders in over thirty annual conferences.

Now in response to COVID-19, our team has developed popular webinars on all our topics:

  • The Changeover Zone: Successful Pastoral Transitions
    • Passing the Baton
    • Following Long-Tenured Pastors
    • “Saying goodbye, Saying hello” for local churches
  • Change the Culture, Transform the Church!
  • Creating a Culture of Hospitality
    • Every Member, Every Sunday
    • Hospitality Audit for your Church
    • Creating a Culture of Growth


“My philosophy in pastoral transitions is that a church can do better than just ‘getting through a change of pastors.’ With good guidance, preparation, and coaching, the transition can be an ideal time of renewed energy and growth!”

I coach:

  • Churches needing to change their culture.
  • Churches entering the Changeover Zone of a Pastoral Transition.
  • 2nd Pastors Following a Founder — whether the church is a few months or more than 10 years old, it has never had a change of pastoral leadership and is at its most fragile time.
  • Pastoral transitions involving long-tenured pastors — many similar dynamics are present when a church hasn’t had a pastoral leadership transition for more than 10 years.
  • Larger church pastors — usually because growth has plateaued, or the church is going through some difficult time trying to be relevant and find renewed passion.
  • Churches wanting to improve their hospitality.


We consult with:


  • Stuck on growth plateaus
  • Preparing for a pastoral leadership transition
  • Realizing their culture is not conducive to growth and wanting to learn how to change the culture to result in growth
  • Dealing with challenging pastoral transitions, new direction, or significant conflict


  • Annual Conferences, Bishops and Cabinets realizing they need to develop protocols for recruiting, training, and deploying trained pastors to follow founders or long-tenured pastorates.
  • Assessing candidates under consideration for appointment to a 2nd pastor or long-tenured situation
  • Trying to improve the Conference’s culture of hospitality
  • Trying to create a conference wide culture of growth

Not-for-Profits and Other Corporate Entities

  • Assessing and Identifying the current organizational culture
  • Learning specific steps and techniques to change it to the desired culture
  • Wanting to embed the new culture throughout the organization


COVID-19 and social distancing has caused our team to put all our workshops into webinar form with the same great content that is relevant, doable, interactive, fun, and shows results!

Pastoral Searches

For the past five years, we have successfully worked with Bishops, Cabinets, and local church Staff-Parish-Relations committees to find and recruit ‘best match’ new Sr. Pastors to larger church appointments. With nearly a 100% success rate, our process is the most thorough in the industry of matching a church with the right pastor, often recruiting across Conference lines. Contact us for referrals and success stories!

Need more information about Webinars, Workshops, Coaching, Consulting, or Pastoral Searches?

Do you have questions or want more information about one of the workshops or about setting up coaching or consulting? Just fill out the form at this link and Jim will get back to you.