About Chad Mattingly

Chad Mattingly

“Every congregation has a unique culture, a personality and way of doing things that is just its own. Healthy culture empowers leadership and enables mission. Unhealthy culture sabotages leadership and eats mission for breakfast.”

This affirmation weaves its way through Chad Mattingly’s doctoral thesis and his leadership as Sr. Pastor of Kingswood in Houston, Texas.

Chad continues to ask: How can pastors lead effectively to cultivate renewed vision, energy and growth? This burning question led Chad to intensive doctoral study and the development of an expertise in understanding how congregational culture effects leadership.

Bringing over 20 years of experience in coaching pastors, Chad offers an expertise as he walks alongside leadership teams in assessing and developing healthy, congregational culture. Healthy culture is the key that empowers leadership and unlocks the vast potential of the local church.

Chad is excited to join Jim and the Difference Makers Group in resourcing and equipping church leaders for this challenging and important work.

The son, grandson and nephew of pastors, Chad Mattingly never had a chance of seeing things through normal lenses. For Chad, the local church was a second home and the congregation an extended family that he grew to love dearly. From a very early age, Chad experienced the church at its best, loving, courageous and dynamic, as well as the church at its worst, self-focused, conflicted and stagnant. Drawing from this uncommon background,

Dr. Mattingly feels God has uniquely gifted and called him to come alongside pastors and lay leaders who want to see the local church flourish again.

“There is nothing more beautiful to me than a church singing their unique song. Immediately, you know it when you walk through the door. It is a gathering filled with contagious energy, healthy vision and a unique calling grounded in their community. That is what I want to do with my life… partner with God in helping congregations find their song.”