“Breaking Barriers to Growth”
“Every vibrant church has learned to partner with the Holy Spirit in developing a thriving, contagious, irresistible culture”
–Wayne Cordeiro
This workshop is ideal for local church clergy and laity. There are five sessions included in this workshop:
SESSION 1: Barriers to Growth
- The Church in general
- Your church’s in particular
- How Any Church Grows
SESSION 2: What is Organizational Culture and why it is SO CRITICAL to growth
- Your culture determines your results
- To Change results, change culture
SESSION 3: How to Assess Your Church’s Culture
- What it is by size & structure
- What it is by attitudes & behaviors
SESSION 4: How to Change Your Church’s Culture & the 3 Types of Change
- Change to what? Identifying the Culture you want
- See it, Say it, Show it, Grow it
- Getting Staff & Key Laity to ‘buy in’
SESSION 5: Proven Techniques to Create the Culture You Want
- Constantly Cast Vision
- Church Meetings as culture incubators
- Hallway Conversations & hospitality
- Worship & Preaching