Event Request Please complete this form to request a speaker or presentation for your event. Things We Need to KnowDate(s) of Event(s)*Time(s) of Event(s) - start to finish*Location & Address of EventName of person in charge of event* First Last Cell Phone*Email* Often Jim is asked to do more than one thing on any given trip. Please use the checkboxes to specify what you would like him to do at your event, and then describe the content you would like him to present in the corresponding box.Check all that apply: Preaching Seminar/Workshop Training Devotional Consultation Presentation in a meeting Other Preaching DetailsSeminar / Workshop DetailsTraining DetailsDevotional DetailsConsultation DetailsMeeting Presentation DetailsOtherHow long do you want him to speak?Topic / ThemeDescribe the audienceLogisticsWhat time should Jim arrive?If Jim is flying in, which airport should he use?* Note: Jim will make his own flight arrangements.Transportation from airport Someone will pick Jim up Jim will need to rent a car If Jim is driving, where should he park?Lodging Information - please suggest convenient hotels (something like a Hampton Inn, Fairfield Inn, etc.)* Note: Jim prefers to make his own hotel arrangements.What is the appropriate dress for each part of the event(s)?Things You Need to KnowPlease share this information with any members of your tech, hospitality, and program teams. We are flexible with venues, set-up and can make anything work ☺, but the following would be ideal, if possible:1. Room Setup Jim’s presentations are always fast-paced, interactive, engaging, and fun! So it’s best if the venue can be set up with chairs around tables to allow for conversation and interaction. 2. Multimedia Jim will share lots of testimonial and training video clips, so please have Power Point capabilities with excellent audio. (We will send Power Points in advance so that you can check for quality and assure that everything is working.) His videos are typically created using Windows Media Player; please ensure ahead of time that your computer/presentation software will support that format. 3. Workbooks / Materials Jim’s goal is to get you results! Presentations will typically include a participant workbook supplemented by 5-11 handouts so that participants can begin to immediately implement what they are learning.Please mark your preference for handling presentation materials Send us DIGITAL files of all materials. We will print & compile for each person attending the event. Provide us with PRINTED & compiled materials. Invoice us for costs. 4. Supplies Jim does a lot of listening while he is training, so please provide a large flip chart and markers. 5. Books Much of what Jim will be presenting will be based on his books. If you want to make them available for sale at the event, please contact Abingdon, Cokesbury, or Amazon to pre-order or do consignment. Clip In: Risking Hospitality in Your Church – if event is on hospitality, reaching new people, church growth, or culture.The Changeover Zone: Successful Pastoral Transitions – if event is on implementing positive pastoral changes. 6. Marketing Materials Please send or email copies of publicity used for this event; we want to be sure we are right on target with expectations! 7. InvoiceFollowing Jim’s time with you, he will invoice you for the agreed-upon fee, plus travel expenses. The invoice will include an IRS required W9 for Ozier Coaching LLC. Please only record the presentation fee on the W9, and do not include any expenses. EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ