“Becoming a Successful 2nd Pastor”
“Transitions in Long-Tenured Pastorates”
“The Changeover Zone”
What happens when a long-tenured pastor leaves? What happens when a new church goes through its first pastoral change? This Griffith Coaching Network workshop addresses both questions.
This seminar is based on Jim’s experience coaching pastors going through transitions and his working with dozens of 2nd Pastors. It also incorporates the nationwide study by the Lewis Center on 2nd Pastors following founders.
Learn successful transition strategies for any pastoral change
- Understanding the “Change Over Zone” and how to manage it
- Key essentials for long-tenured pastoral changes
- The role of the District Superintendent, the exiting pastor, the arriving pastor and the church, for a smooth transition.
The 6 Essential Characteristics of a 2nd Pastor Following a Founder
- 6 cautions for the Church when transitioning for the first time.
- 5 realities Cabinets face in a first pastoral transition.
- “Saying Goodbye, Saying Hello”
The 4 questions that cause a 2nd pastor anxiety and how to answer them.
- Pre-appointment protocol
- Getting a running start!
- How to celebrate the past while building a future
- How to learn the culture of the church…and expand its vision.
- Strategic preaching to get started
Jim Ozier followed a Founding Pastor at Trietsch Memorial UMC in Flower Mound, Texas. When he left 18 years later, it had grown from 500 members to more than 4,000. He is currently responsible for starting new churches in the fast growing Dallas area. An associate of Griffith Coaching Network, Jim specializes in assessing and coaching 2nd Pastors Following Founder.
Jim Griffith has been coaching new start pastors and their teams since 1995. He works in 51 annual conferences, as well as other groups.